Photo of me

I'm Drew Town a web developer and systems engineer living in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I strive to always be learning, traveling and exploring. Sharing updates, trials and tribulations in tech and life.

About Drew Town

I've been developing websites for as long as I can remember. My development career began by writing websites by using raw PHP and has developed extensively from there. Now I mainly develop internal web applications using ASP.NET Core and Vue.js to support our users complete their jobs more efficiently and with less errors.


Elastic stack logo

Completed Elastic Stack Migration to 7.5

Upgrade the logging and analytics platform using Elastic including Logstash, Kibana and Elasticsearch from 6.x to 7.5. The cluster contains 8TB of data.

Completed Internal Corporate Action Tracking Project

Lead a small team to coordinate and implement a corporate action tracking project using ASP.NET Core and Vue.js. The project interfaced with numerous services and data sources to create a comprehensive view for the research team.

Completed Migration of Internal Web Apps to ASP.NET Core

Migrated several internal applications such as change control, purchase ordering, and load analysis tools from ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core

Post of Vue.js developers newsletter about The Magic of Vue's Dynamic components.

Featured on Vue.js Developers Newsletter

My post about Vue's dynamic components about how they can be utilized to display lists of data was picked up by several Vue related news outlets and was my first to garner any meaningful attention.

Photo of me


Started a personal blog to write about topics that interest me such as web development, travel and technology

Group 1 Trading Logo

Began full-time work at Group 1 Trading

Graduated from DePaul University

BS in Network Technologies with a minor in Database Administration

Started at Group 1

Hired as a Systems Engineer Intern


Building websites and making things.

© 2020 Drew Town. All rights reserved.